

The Sussex County AGM will be held on 20th July 2021 at Burgess Hill Constitutional Club at 8pm.

Any proposals for rule changes must be sent to Jean Brackenridge in writing by 4th July 2021.

We are hoping that any Covid restrictions will be lifted by this date and we can all get together. If there are any restrictions still in place stopping us from holding the meeting at Burgess Hill we will still hold the meeting on this date by Zoom. Confirmation will be given nearer the time.

It will help us a great deal in planning the 2021/22 season if all teams that played in the Home and Away Inter League (2019/20 season) could confirm if they will be entering a team. We are hoping this competition will be able to start as normal in September.

No affiliation fees were collected for the 2020/21 season (no bar billiards played) as we know most Leagues would not have had any income. There will be affiliation forms for 2021/22 season available at the AGM which will be due for payment by 31st August 2021.