The Sussex County AGM will be held on 20th July 2021 at Burgess Hill Constitutional Club at 8pm. Any proposals for rule changes must be sent to Jean Brackenridge in writing by 4th July 2021. We are hoping that any Covid restrictions will be lifted by this date and we can all get together. If…

Inter League 2020/21 Update

With the current COVID-19 restrictions in place, and the chances of a return to mass participant indoor events looking very unlikely for the coming months, the SCBBA can officially announce that the Inter League One Day events will be cancelled for 2021. While we left the possibility of playing some form of Home and Away…

Inter League Home and Away Season 2019-20 Ended

At the recent Sussex AGM a discussion was held around the future of Inter League with two proposals around how to conclude last season (2019/20) and what should happen to the upcoming season (2020/21). The general opinion was that last season should be ended and we should look to start a new season where possible,…

Sussex AGM 2020 Minutes

The SCBBA AGM was held on Tuesday 18th August via Zoom with an attendance of 22 people. The committee was all re-elected unopposed and a new rule to allow the committee to make changes to the format of competitions and Inter League for the 2020/21 season was unanimously passed in a vote. This rule is…

Sussex AGM 2020

The Sussex AGM will be held on Tuesday 18th August, starting at 8pm. This meeting will be held via Zoom and joining details are shown below. Anyone is welcome to attend but we would like to see League Secretaries and Inter-League Captains attend if possible. Can people please read all the reports beforehand as these…


Following a committee meeting held last night I can confirm the following events will not be rearranged and have been cancelled for 2020: Sussex Open Sussex Masters Sussex Off The Spot Sussex Mixed Doubles The plan is for these events to be played as usual in 2021. It has also been decided that the Sussex…


Hope everyone is keeping well. Below is an update on COVID-19 and Sussex Bar Billiards from the committee. No update has been provided for a couple of months as we have been waiting to see how the lockdown would be eased; and given this to date there had been no changes in our position to…


I would like to issue an update on the SCBBA COVID-19 response. On behalf of the association the committee would like to get back to playing bar billiards as soon as possible, however we will only do so when it is safe for all our members to resume these activities. In order to decide this…


Following the updated Government advise on COVID-19 from this afternoon the decision has been taken to suspend the Sussex Inter League season with immediate effect.This will apply to all of the arranged and unarranged postponed matches from earlier in the season and also to Series 10 matches. This position will be updated subject to changes…